Calendar of Events
Update – The date of 6th Annual Meatball Mania has been changed to Saturday, September 9th
Meetings are currently held virtually by Zoom at 7 pm.
There will be no meetings during the months of May and December.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Jul 25, 2022, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 6015 5583
Passcode: 553403
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Each bow is in memory or in honor of a breast cancer patient.
Volunteers are needed for decorating the Berlin borough and township municipal buildings on Sunday, Oct 1. The borough’s decorating will start at 11 a.m.
Those interested in dedicating a ribbon can call (856)-768–9028. Please provide a first name and last initial, as well as an “in honor of” or “in memory of” indication.
Each bow is in memory or in honor of a breast cancer patient.
Volunteers are needed for decorating the Berlin borough and township municipal buildings on Sunday, Oct 1. The township’s will start at 1 p.m.
Those interested in dedicating a ribbon can call (856)-768–9028. Please provide a first name and last initial, as well as an “in honor of” or “in memory of” indication.
Berlin Community School Girls Field Hockey Breast Cancer Awareness Game
Berlin Community School hockey field
215 S Franklin Ave, Berlin, NJ 08009, USA
3pm – 5pm
Annual Berlin Fall Fest
The South Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition will be setup as a vendor from 10am – 4pm. Please stop by and show your support.
Camden Catholic High School Girls Field Hockey Breast Cancer Awareness Game
Saturday, October 21st
10am – 12pm
Annual Charity Event For South Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition – Raising Awareness through Advocacy, Education, and Change
Miles for Marianne – In Loving Memory of Marianne Krupa
Motorcycle Ride
Everyone can ride and all bikes are welcome.
If you don’t ride, follow us in cars (mostly back roads).
Also if you cannot attend, you can donate to our gofundmepage located
on the Miles for Marianne Facebook page, or send checks made out to the SJBCC in Memo: Miles for Marianne Txs.Loretta to D. Sigrist 110 Shady Court, Marlton, NJ 08053
795 Route 73 S
Berlin, NJ
Barnegat Lighthouse
208 Broadway
Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
Join us for food and drinks afterwards at
Gateway Restaurant
227 West 8th Street, Ship Bottom, NJ
To RSVP or more information, please contact or call 609-668-9187
Proceeds will be donated to the South Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition
In memory of Marianne Krupa