Rutgers University Study

Rutgers University looking for young women diagnosed with breast cancer for study.
In 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 9% of all new cases of breast cancer were found in women younger than age 45. These young women often face difficult medical, psychosocial, and financial issues related to their diagnosis and treatment.  Bonnie Jerome-D’Emilia is a nurse researcher at Rutgers Camden School of Nursing, and she is working with doctors at MD Anderson on a study of women who were diagnosed with cancer at 40 years of age or younger. The study involves an interview, all information is confidential, and participants will receive a $50 Amazon gift card for their participation.
Rutgers University Study flyer image

Upcoming Events


Young Women and Breast Cancer Symposium

Join us for an evening with esteemed physicians Kay Yoon-Flannery, DO, MPH, FACS, FACOS, and Alison Greidinger, MD, as they discuss the unique experiences and challenges surrounding diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes specifically for this age group. Additionally, Bonnie Jerome-D’Emilia from Rutgers Camden will share insights from her Breast Cancer study.

Exciting Research Opportunity

The University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing is recruiting participants to enroll in their Cancer Pain Management: A Technology-based Intervention for Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors study.

They are looking for 1) an Asian American woman aged 18 years and older 2) who has had a breast cancer diagnosis in the past; 3) can read and write English, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, or Japanese; 4) has access to the Internet; and 5) identifies their sub-ethnicity as Chinese, Korean, or Japanese.

Eligible participants who agree to join the study will be randomly assigned to two groups using the educational information or the online forum and a 1:1 coaching/support program for three months. Participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire three times. Each participant will receive a $50 reimbursement after each questionnaire. Thus, each participant can get up to $150 reimbursement upon completing the program.


Visit their website here.

Ways To
Support SJBCC

Purchase a Post Mastectomy Pillow and receive 10% Off using code KOKOBALSJBCC

Image of Woman wearing The Kokobal After Breast Surgery Pillow

Regular Pink Bag Shopping Appointments Return to UBCF!

UBCF is opening our doors for regular Pink Bag Shopping! Beginning this June, UBCF’s headquarters location in Huntington Station, NY will be open to servicing breast cancer patients and survivors with individual shopping appointments. UBCF’s Pink Bag Shopping is free of charge and open to breast cancer patients and survivors, regardless of gender. People are welcome to apply from anywhere in the United States, however, approved applicants are responsible for attending and picking up items during their scheduled appointment time. Items cannot be stored or shipped.

The South Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition is a non-profit organization, formed in 1996 by a group of survivors concerned with the enormous medical, financial, and social consequences of breast cancer whose mission is to raise breast cancer awareness through education, advocacy, and action to change public policy. The SJBCC is aggressively for new legislation to help and protect those afflicted with breast cancer.

The SJBCC Plan of Action

  • Provide information and education to individuals.
  • Increase public awareness through outreach efforts.
  • Improve access to high-quality breast cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, care, and clinical trials.
  • Increase the involvement and influence of those living with breast cancer in all aspects of clinical trial design.

The Carolyn J. Ochs
Memorial Fund

The SJBCC has also established a client assistance fund in 2005, the Carolyn J. Ochs Assistance Fund. The fund assists people with financial needs that arise from their breast cancer diagnosis. The fund assists with financial needs such as daycare for children while receiving treatment, gas cards for transportation to treatments, and utility bills. The Fund does not assist with costs outside treatment or medications. Since its inception over $275,000.00 has been donated to grantees. Please call our office at 856-768-9028 if you are in need and we will provide a complete list of criteria. To read our loving tribute to Carolyn, please click here.

Library Dedication

On March 1, 2014, a breast cancer awareness section was added to the Marie Fleche Memorial Library. The section was dedicated in memory of a board member of the SJBCC, Kim Casamassima. Kim lost her relentless battle with stage 4 breast cancer on July 18, 2013. Kim was 49 years young. She devoted herself to researching the incurable disease by attending conferences, visiting doctors across the country, and doing volunteer work. She shared her knowledge and experiences of living with metastatic disease with many survivors and organizations. The books donated to the library were Kim’s & the SJBCC collection of books relating to breast cancer. The library is located at 49 South White Horse Pike Berlin, NJ 08009.

Current Statistics

  • New Jersey ranks 8th in the nation for new cases of breast cancer and 3rd in the nation for deaths from breast cancer.
  • There are 298,000 men and women living in NJ with breast cancer.
  • The highest mortality rates remain in the African American population.
  • To see more current statistics on Female Breast Cancer in NJ please click here.

SJBCC Meetings

Meetings are currently held virtually by Zoom at 7 pm.
There will be no meetings during the months of May and December.

Topic: My Meeting
Time: Jul 25, 2022, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 553403

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All members are welcome. Please join us and see how you can make a difference.